Looking for a place to meet other people like me online. I've been on another shyness website before but hardly anyone every went on to post. Basically i'm a very shy person even though i'm in customer service. I also have self esteem issues. I wonder if they go hand and hand. I also recently found out I have depression by my Dr. I feel like i'm all sorts of messed up..lol I've been this way all my life and wish I could meet someone like me to be friends with but never have met someone who really tried to get to know me.. They just see a quiet girl who doesn't seem interesting, i guess. I know I'd make one heck of a best friend. I'm a good listener and am very sweet. I wouldn't do anything to be mean or come across that way to anyone else.. I'm too worried about how people think about me. I envy other women I see out going to lunch with their friends or seeing two women shopping together having a great time. I have no female friend to do that with. I have my husband but it's just not the same..lol The women I work with are very disrespectful to me. I guess because i'm a good target because I don't fight back. They're really the only females I am around so I just don't get to meet other females, but when I do, they don't try to befriend me because i'm the quiet boring girl. Sorry so long winded... so anyways thats why I came out here to meet other people going through the same issues. Looking forward to meeting them. 
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