Hi, im new to this


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Hi, this probbly sounds stupid but i was looking up Social phobia recently and it just seemed to put things into place in a sense, but i dont know if i have it. I fear so much, can never relax, always feel im making a fool of myself, worry about being judged which effects my behaviour, find it hard to relax round people, dont really like eating in public, get really jealous and intimidated by people i know etc. I just get so angry at myself because i think i have no real complaints and i should feel good all the time but i dont. Im fed up. I know i probably seem like i am overreacting and am just a teenager with low esteem, but sometimes i just really think there has to be more than that. Do others feel like this?


Active member
HereAndNow said:
Welcome Recluse
Many of us are right now biting our tongues trying not to diagnose you. I'm not qualified.
But (of course there a 'but' - would you be more comfortable with an 'however'?)... But I would feel fairly confident is saying, if you said what you've said to us to a social worker/therapist/psychiatrist they would likely say there is a good possiblility that you have diagnosed yourself correctly.
Start by telling your doctor the same thing and that you think you'd like to talk to some one. There are free services depending on what country you are in.

Good Luck. Holding good thoughts for you.

Thanks, yeah i can see why you would not want to. I think i only really starting looking into after looking into something entirely different but recently i have been worrying about myself. Yeah, it is probbly best i talk to someone, my friends dont seem to understand and think im just being stupid so it would probably benefit me to at least see if something is untoward. Many thanks. :)


Well-known member
Yea you sound just like me you most likely have sa.You should try first going to a therapist talk about what you feel with them and there's a lot of people here willing to listen to you to.


Well-known member
I just get so angry at myself because i think i have no real complaints and i should feel good all the time but i dont. Im fed up. I know i probably seem like i am overreacting and am just a teenager with low esteem, but sometimes i just really think there has to be more than that.

hey there, welcome!

don't be angry with yourself sweetie, SA, like all other mental disorders is a chemical imbalance inside your brain. sure we have other things to worry about, everybody does. but these are the cards we were dealt, and if it affects your life, you have the right to say "hey, i have a problem, i'm having a hard time."

it's just like saying who has the right to be more depressed - someone who's lost their mom or someone else who's lost their cat. both represented different things in peoples lives and it all depends on the person it's affecting.

you don't sound just like any other angry teen - alot of parents are unsupportive of their SA kids b/c they think it's just a phase - it's not a phase. you sound like the classic SA person so you don't sound stupid or like any other person :wink:

care to tell us more about yourself? feel free to rant to your hearts' content :D


Well-known member
SA, like all other mental disorders is a chemical imbalance inside your brain

I think its important to say that this is not true it is only true in some cases and in these cases it is only ever partly true.


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Thanks for the comments and support everyone it means alot, im just glad to find somewhere where people understand what im going through. :)