Re: .
Alvinsduckie said:
Ignore what you like. Maybe I´m not capable of cuddly-warm cosy small-talk, but I´m looking for facts and real results. I´m angry with dermatologists, neurologists and pharmacists, thriving on selling you overpriced symptom treatments. They want your problem to stay. Botox therapists and "homoeopaths" are lice, but it´s your money. Obese excessive sweaters need to look at their life style, and make radical changes in their diet and exercise habits. Maybe many other excessive sweaters need to do the same, rather than wasting time and money on your canadian pharmacist, surgeon or botox therapists, laughing their way to the bank, more fool you. If you read some of my earlier posts, you would know that Pinker is high in my regards, or has been untill recently anyway. It takes more than a few stupid remarks to change that profoundly for me, but we´ll see how he acts, perhaps his head grew too big. I have a right to ask critical questions about drugs he promotes here. Not answering my questions, or trying to discredit me, says more about him. If you feel that critical questions and statements that differ from your general point of view are insults and harrassment, you confirm my impression of being a person, who doesn´t want to change anything.