Hi, I'm new, overcame extreme shyness or SA a while ago


New member
Just couldn't resist. I will start of a few years ago, more like 4-6 years ago. I used to be really shy couldn't even go to the store. Shoping for cloths or ordering a burger was a nightmare. But you really need to find your strength and exploit it. Through strenght their comes confidence. I gained a lot of confidence from school work. Most people in high school when I first started out considered me dumb, but by the end of my senior year I was more the less considered a genius, at least in math. Mostly due to the fact I won some awards and finished what normaly took a high school student 4 years I did in 2, ironically none of my awards were in math one in history, economics, and can't remeber the other. I think I forgot to bubble in type b for the math exam, cause I did not receive a reply, which is unusual.-_-

I lost most of my shyness at my college. I started tutoring in math and chemistry. This really helped a lot and increased my confidence. Not to mention met a lot of hot girls.

For those of you worried about picking up a girl. I can offer some advice. Although, I never had a gf, there have been plenty of girls who have tried to hit on me. Most of time I reject or ignored since I don't have much in common. The most important element, I think, is offering them some thing besides your looks. Most people consider me rather quiet, but when they find out the classes I am taking their views change rather quickly. I will probably major in electrical, computer, or some other form of engineering with a second major in physics. Might also go for computer science instead. Bottomline is you need to make up for your weaknesses. For example, you can gain some ground on a good talker by learning 2 or 3 usefull languages. It don't matter how great a talker you are if you don't know the languange your grounded. I plan on learning spanish, french, japanese, and chineses. Currently, I am studying French out of class while taking a spanish class. I am learning french out of class mostly as preemptive strike before I actually take the class plus spanish and french are similar in many respects. On a good note, some girl who sits' next to me in spanish is constantly hitting on me every week. She is sorta hot and sorta not some thing inbetween hot and alright, but not the sharpest knife in the box.

Another major thing is attitude. I used to think everyone was watching me, but now "I don't give a dam!" lol. There will be some people who won't like you no matter what you do just ignore. Basically, just be your self. Buying some nice cloths also helps.

Like once a month I have some problem with shyness, but I think SA is no more. Every day I improve my communication skills. Feels like nothing can stop you both academically and socially. Guess I feel that way now cause I just cracked a hard proof problem for my modern physics class. There are only a hand full of students in there. Those can take up several pages. Speaking of pages I need to go buy another pack of white paper lol almost out. All this took me lost of time and won't happen overnight, but you can't run away from yours fears otherwise you already lost. This is my motto plus you have nothing to lose and all to gain.


Active member
i have alot to learn about my feelings, because i am new to this site i never thought about being here before now i am glad i am here, so please dont be affended i am knew at this


Well-known member
Matrix_mechanics said:
Just couldn't resist. I will start of a few years ago, more like 4-6 years ago. I used to be really shy couldn't even go to the store. Shoping for cloths or ordering a burger was a nightmare. But you really need to find your strength and exploit it. Through strenght their comes confidence. I gained a lot of confidence from school work. Most people in high school when I first started out considered me dumb, but by the end of my senior year I was more the less considered a genius, at least in math. Mostly due to the fact I won some awards and finished what normaly took a high school student 4 years I did in 2, ironically none of my awards were in math one in history, economics, and can't remeber the other. I think I forgot to bubble in type b for the math exam, cause I did not receive a reply, which is unusual.-_-

I lost most of my shyness at my college. I started tutoring in math and chemistry. This really helped a lot and increased my confidence. Not to mention met a lot of hot girls.

For those of you worried about picking up a girl. I can offer some advice. Although, I never had a gf, there have been plenty of girls who have tried to hit on me. Most of time I reject or ignored since I don't have much in common. The most important element, I think, is offering them some thing besides your looks. Most people consider me rather quiet, but when they find out the classes I am taking their views change rather quickly. I will probably major in electrical, computer, or some other form of engineering with a second major in physics. Might also go for computer science instead. Bottomline is you need to make up for your weaknesses. For example, you can gain some ground on a good talker by learning 2 or 3 usefull languages. It don't matter how great a talker you are if you don't know the languange your grounded. I plan on learning spanish, french, japanese, and chineses. Currently, I am studying French out of class while taking a spanish class. I am learning french out of class mostly as preemptive strike before I actually take the class plus spanish and french are similar in many respects. On a good note, some girl who sits' next to me in spanish is constantly hitting on me every week. She is sorta hot and sorta not some thing inbetween hot and alright, but not the sharpest knife in the box.

Another major thing is attitude. I used to think everyone was watching me, but now "I don't give a dam!" lol. There will be some people who won't like you no matter what you do just ignore. Basically, just be your self. Buying some nice cloths also helps.

Like once a month I have some problem with shyness, but I think SA is no more. Every day I improve my communication skills. Feels like nothing can stop you both academically and socially. Guess I feel that way now cause I just cracked a hard proof problem for my modern physics class. There are only a hand full of students in there. Those can take up several pages. Speaking of pages I need to go buy another pack of white paper lol almost out. All this took me lost of time and won't happen overnight, but you can't run away from yours fears otherwise you already lost. This is my motto plus you have nothing to lose and all to gain.

Well its good to see you gained confidence in yourself but its bad to see your a bit of a geek :D but if its working keep doing it.