Hi I am new.


Just to say hi to everyone, I am 36 in a longterm relationship and have 4 childen.
I have suffered from Aniety for several years, I had got a lot better upto about a year ago, things starting slipping again and I am trying hard to overcome the horrible feeling I have, any advice or help would be greatly appriciated.

Thanks Michelle


Active member
Hi Michelle,

Good on you for joining this forum - I've found it interesting and helpful - hope you will too!

Don't you just hate that feeling of going backwards?? It is really annoying.... I feel like I'm regressing now and then and have to fight hard to stop it. I've found when this happens, it sometimes means that I'm in a rut and need to shake things up a bit....

Things I've found helpful to stop sliding backwards include: reading relevant books on CBT etc., setting small achievable goals that give you a boost, making an effort to be friendly to everyone and not withdrawing into your own world (depressing!).

I'm sure other people will have different perspectives and suggestions, but I reckon you have to catch it quickly before you go backwards too much. On a more encouraging note, I think that as you get older and make progress, even if you do temporarily go backwards, you never lose the wisdom and progress you have made - hope that makes sense!!

Cheers, and keep in touch Helen :)


Hi Helen and thanks for the post.

Anxiety is such a terrible thing isn't it, well they all are arn't they, any mental illness is so diliberating :(

If I can help you in anyway feel free to ask me anything.

Take care.



Well-known member
Hi, Michelle and Symbiosis.

I hate it when I slip back. I is tough.....and I still do it often. Sometimes, I pray to God. Sometimes I go to movie to distract myself.....Other times, I get on the computer and surf to this website to complain...complain....complain. I like venting here and I also like giving advice. It's weird but I feel better everytime I write something or share something about myself with another member. Weird.

Anyway, Welcome to the Group. Looking forward to reading and responding to your posts.


Thanks for the welcome Orlando.

Yes it's very hard when you slip back, just have to keep telling ourselves we have been here before and can overcome it again, that's what i do anyway, if I can help in anyway just ask.
