Hi, I am back!


Well-known member
I am a former lurker/ occasional poster here but I have been busy with life for the last few years and have not been around.

I have been thinking that m y SP no longer affects me but my oldest is in kindergarten now and I am still terrified by random interacting. Now I have to stand with her at the bus and run into other neighbors who I have lived next to for years and never spoken to. I also want to be involved in her schooling, field trips and such, but I am dreading having to meat the other parents.

Also I am signing up for nursing school. I am 30 and going back to college after 12 years which is terrifying for anyone. I have started school twice in the distant past and dropped out immediately due to "wierdness" but I really had no plan anyway. Now I do and I can not afford to invest in this and fail (financially).

I am thinking it is time to seek proffesional help for the first time. I am just not sure how to go about it, or what to say when I walk in the door...

Anyway I am back to gain the courage and knowledge I need to take this step and share what knowledge I have.