Hi Everyone!


Well-known member
Hey everyone,

I'm new here, so I'm not too sure what to write. I have social anxiety due to my disability, I've been diagnosed for about a year now, I have to wear leg braces, a back brace, wrist braces, and I walk with a limp. Before that I used to be a model and a "party girl", so its been very hard for me to cope with this.

I guess I am just trying to meet people who understand what its like to have constant panic attacks just thinking about going out, obsessing over "people judging me", etc. All that fun stuff, hoping to help and maybe get some help, as well as meeting cool new people!

My husband tries to help but as he doesn't have my problems, he can't really understand what its like. So I'd like some new ears to vent to, lol! (At least until you guys get sick of me haha!)

