Hi Everyone!!


Hey Everyone,
Just thought i would introduce myself as i just joined these forums.
Im 21 from Australia...Ive just been diagnosed with Social Anxiety 3 weeks ago...so still kinda taking it all in....even though i always knew something was wrong...its still pretty full on actually admitting it to my family and friends and starting to deal with it properly. But im hoping to meet some people on here as noone else has any idea what ive been going through all these years except for people who actually have social anxiety themselves. So dont be shy to chat with me...hopefully we can help eachother

Take care!!!
Hey Tara,
I just started having panic attcks at 33. I thought that talking to other people, would help me help myself and others with their problems. How's Australia? Always though it would be neat to see some day!
Talk soon


Hey Rick :)
Aww im sorry to hear that!! Ive had a couple of panic attacks in the past (from silly things i did)....but i havent experienced any for probably over 3 years now....just my SAD has gotten worse and worse as time goes by. Finally getting the help i need now after trying for so long on my own to deal with it. I really hope that you find a postive way to deal with your panic attacks and eventually stop getting them all together....i guess its just a matter of hard work and patience. Thats what i tell myself anyway lol
You definately should come visit Aussie Land...its a very beautiful country and us Aussies are very laid back and chilled people :) Except for the occasional SAD sufferer...but you prob wouldnt see us out anyway lol Yes i like to poke fun at myself...oh well...what can you do!! haha

Feel free to msg anytime....hopefully ill keep coming on here daily :)

U take care...if you need anything and i can help please just let me know!!
