Hi everyone - newbie here

Hello all. I am a newbie. I happened on this website and thought, wow, there's other people like me. Thank God I'm not alone (as I've felt for so many years). I like animals more than people, and I'm one of those people that is invisible -- I mean, I work, I've raised my child but I've hid all these years and never let anyone, even friends, know how I feel so invisible. I'm one of those people that others have passed over for years. If I'm at work, the people I work with ignore me most of the time because they have to impress others, but they don't have to pay attention to me or impress me. I've learned to live with it, but it sure makes me sad. I have felt alone for many years and didn't fit in anywhere. So when I found this website, it's like, wow, there's other people like me. I have a lot of reading to do on this website to learn about y'all and see what has helped and what hasn't. I'm always open to learn and make things better, there just hasn't been anything that can help with the social problems that I've experienced for many years. I feel there's hope since I've found this site, and am encouraged. I hope I can help others too.