Hi everybody!


No life story here, just wanna say howdy.

I'm a 21 y/o male getting CBT therapy for social anxiety. Thought it would be nice to share some thoughts with others who can relate every lil once in a while.


just wanna b normal

Well-known member
hey i always wanted to know about CBT therapy since every bodys doing it. is it free or do you have to pay? if so how much? & what is CBT therapy again? plus i read its very effective in curing you SA 80% out of 100% it will work!


Hey guys, thanks for the warm welcomes. :)

@just wanna b normal: cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is all about mending some negative thought patterns and replacing them with positive thoughts - that's the cognitive side. Then the onus is on you to expose yourself to situations that create some anxiety and try to overcome them in order to reinforce the new helpful thinking patterns - that's the behavioural side. And it helps to have faith in the process - that's the therapy side ;)

I'm not paying a cent because my university has a psychology clinic where graduate students gain experience through treating clients. Usually though you'll have to pay, which kinda sucks for people with SA. :S

Zoya Dulzura

Active member
Hi! Now I know what CBT is, and its sounds like something I should seek out (I'm currently untreated, hopefully soon-to-be-treated). Like you, I can get it free at my university (also a grad student).