Hi - another newbie here


New member
Hi everyone, and oh how relieved I am to be here with people who may understand. I'm a 29 year old female living in the West Midlands.

I have suffered from anxiety attacks since I was in my early teens - however this last year it has gotten almost unbearable, and I cant carry on like this. I missed the majority of my secondary schooling years as i couldnt leave my home.

I'm now pretty confined to my bedroom (where I feel relatively safe unless people come in!!!) - unable to even go downstairs and sit in my own living room with family. The thought fills me with dread and I use tons of avoidance techniques to avoid it. Although my family (partner and 3 step-kids) are getting pretty fed up with it now.

Im in serious debts which are crippling us as I find it increasingly difficult to work, and as a temporary/casual worker it is oh so easy to not work - although we desperately need the money. Im not eligible for any benefits as my partner works - but doesnt earn enough for all of us. I honestly feel like I cant go on anymore.

I never had a label for what I had or the way i feel - but my partner was speaking to a Psychologist at their place of work, and they confirmed it sounded like Social Pathological Agoraphobia - with social phobia and low self-esteem.

I know my GP wouldnt be too enthusiastic in helping me - so I guess I'm stuck like this for the most part.

Hope to be able to post on this board as and when I feel necessary.



Well-known member
Hi Scooterbabe, welcome to the forum. :D

I'm sorry you suffer so badly and that you feel there is no help available for you. :(


Heya scooterbabe n welcome to the forum!

Sorry to hear ya have so much going on at the moment :? i know just dealing with ya anxiety is enough without other problems.You really should be entitled to some sort of benefit.. like incapacity benefit but im almost posative even if your other half works you maybe could get disability benefit its worth looking onto anyway

anyway hope things start looking up for you


New member
Thankyou both for your welcomes - even posting on a message board gives a little anxiety once I have clicked submit. But it is easier than face to face interactions.

Ive been reading tons of threads, and am constantly thinking - oh I do that, or I never thought about that before.

Its helped me and relieved me slightly already.