HH makes me drink more


I drink a lot. Not because I want to but because my HH almost always disappears when I am drunk. It seems to be the only actual cure I have come across. It is quite worrying because I haven't had a sober night in about 2 weeks now. But I enjoy being dry so much, I don't want to stop.

Anyone else in a similar situation?


Well-known member
Drinking makes me less anxious, and so I sweat less, maybe... but the underlying HH is always there. I should try to get drunk and then exercise... to see if I sweat less. I don't think I would though.

The thing is, once you are drunk enough, it's hard to remember to check your sweating... your perception is already impaired. I would have to ask someone else to check constantly if I'm sweating during the party, hmm.


Well-known member
If Im ever going out with friends or even going over to their house I always get half drunk before going.
Since getting HH (4 yrs ago) it has made me very anxious/nervous (more so then I already was) so being half drunk helps me to relax and not concentrate on the sweating so much.
I do think it helps slowing the sweating but I think alot of it is being relaxed aswell.

Natter- do you not work or anything ? and as such can get drunk everynight.
You don't want to become dependant on it. I like being dry aswell but when Im at home Im not to fussed if a bit wet as only me.

Nicholas - Even when drunk I still check how wet I am and make sure ok etc
I think times I dont are when Im totally out of it drunk (the so drunk you cant remember any of the night before)


Active member
I'm totally in the same boat although I can only drink on weekends because of school and work! If I'm planning on going to a party, dinner or anything social I drink before I even leave the house that way I'm not sweating... what type of HH do you have?


Well-known member
have you tried anything stuff to help nat ?
like rollons, botox, probanthine etc

If not give give them a go. You could botox on the NHS (well I did). works quite well.
the rollons work ok (although the pain at night is awful).
At the moment Im taking probanthine tablets i got prescribed by my Dr and they work quite well in stopping my sweating.

Can you not just wipe your hands on your skirt/trousers or something before shaking hands if youre worried about that...I wouldnt worry about it as the person wont mind (theyll know your nervous so kind of expected)


Active member
My HH is worse on my hand/feet/underarms but in super stressful situations (like job interviews) I feel like I'm sweating all over... ugh whenever I'm drinking at first I'm still a little sweaty but after I have a few and start to relax then I'm almost 100% of the time completely dry which is nice but it's a shame that's the only thing that works, ha! I've always wondered if it's the alcohol that stops the sweating or the simple fact that I'm not worried/thinking about sweating? Have you found an effective treatment that works for you yet?


DRINK! in ever touch the stuff me like :D
do you not feel the next day though, that you sweat more, like sweating all the toxins out your system.


Well-known member
Yeah, I completely agree with you. I think I made a topic about this a while ago, I'm always quite drunk at parties because of my HH when I don't really want to be.


Well-known member
Hmm, it's mixed for me. After a few beers I feel completely dry like even my underarms which is pretty amazing, but at times when I start drinking I can't stop sweating from the forehead.

So I don't really get on the drink just to stop sweating as it's not worth it just for a few hours of dryness.


I definitely agree with this. Alcohol was my escape from the embarassment of HH. Seems like I didnt worry and didnt sweat when i was drunk. I know that sounds horrible but HH made me drink more to get past the embarasment of sweating. I wasnt a drunk all the time and would only drink socially on the weekends, but i used alcohol as my get away. A way to somewhat be "Normal"

Dont get me wrong, sometimes when i drank i would sweat but i think it was just cause i was dancing or it was hot out and alcohol sometimes made my body seem warmer.


Well-known member
This is a very funny topic.

As earlier posters I too use to drink myself half-drunk before I even go to a party. Especially would there be people I do not know. I also quite often lobbying for drinking alcohol on occasions were it's not at all necessary, for example watching a football game on a Tuesday afternoon. I also get recklessly drunk when going out, many times I have literary been carried home, even though other people may not be that drunk at all.

The ironic thing is that due to this, I got a reputation among my friends to be a "party animal", a funny guy which never says no to a drink. And this originates from me being shy because of of of sweating and blushing.

The dark side though is that alcoholism runs in my family, on both sides. So this behavior is not good for me, and about 18 months ago I suddenly realized I was drinking practically every day, so the last year I have by purpose been cutting down on the drinking, which means I have also been cutting down on the social activities, and generally I am more miserable and unhappy now than during my "alcoholic period".

What I find drinking doing for HH is minimally. Yeah, the anxious sweating can decrease a little, but not always, and the decreasing doesn't really start until after 4-5 beers are done with. I also reckon several times I have been walking home - drunk as hell - and still sweating loads. I think my HH is both due to anxiety and genes (because I sweat more when sporting, walking etc. that is normal). But if one's HH is mainly related to anxiety, alcohol will of course help loads.

In contrast, drinking does miracle with facial blushing, as the "fight or flight response" is largely cut off because of your brain being temporarily damaged. This phenomenon, the state of not have to worrying about blushing and see the anxiety sweating somewhat reduced, is what makes me still considering ETS....

However, as far as drinking is concerned, the second day is disastrous for me as it should be for all HH sufferers. It's an all inside day.


I found this thread because I'm concerned about my own drinking patterns. One very important thing I've learned (and Observed) is that I sweat/presprire because of the alcohol I had the day before. In other words, I can blame it on the alcohol but truthfully the cause is the number or previous nights'/days' consumption.
Battling alcoholism is FAR worse than HH. At the end of the day alcohol depresses me and causes more anxiety and sweating so get out while you can. Ive been drinking HH away for 10 years now and now its tougher to see a way out.


Active member
Hey! My sweating pretty much stops because I am less anxious. I know for a fact my HH is due to anxiety so therefore drinking works for me as I become less anxious.

I take proponopal (sp?)- beta blockers- every day and they work a bit by reducing my heart rate, thus reducing my anxiety. But for extra treatment, I use odaban on my hands every night and some other thing on my feet (bought it, and I thought I may as well use it. Think it is called Ahydrol Forte.. or something).

I want to try robinul (avert) though. Sounds good. Even though my HH is due to anxiety, I still think it is important to reduce my sweating through other means in order to become more confident and thus reduce my anxiety about sweat. Know what I mean?!

Take care all,

Nats xx

The same thing happens to me too. After a few beers, my hands are completely dry. However, I do have very dry throats the next morning. My take on this is, alcohol neutralizes the hormone ADH that is secreted by posterior pituitary gland to act on your kidney in the reaborption of water, making urine more concentrated. So the more you drink, the more ADH you neutralize and the less water is being reaborbed into your body and more urine is produced. This continues until the point where your body just doesn't have enough water to sweat out through your hands. I don't think it is due to the relaxing factor of alcohol because my hands are completely dry after 3 beers and I am not even half drunk yet. Just my two cents.
I am too afraid to have a drink at certain social events. As soon as I take my first beer/whiskey/brandy I start sweating profusely. Buckets of sweat pours off. After about 5-6 beers it will dissapear.

This doesn't feel normal and it certainly impact my social life.

