

I don't think I really have social anxiety...too much. I used to be really quiet, but then I became really outgoing, and now I am pretty talkative. I feel that I can... 'blend in' with the normal people, but I just feel that I think differently (as in, I am way more nervous about social things). I can usually operate fine in social situations, but I worry about them WAAAAAY too much. Like, normal people can just sit back and relax, but I can't. I can pretend that I am (successfully), but I'm internally thinking LOTSA SHIT through.

I also have sweaty palms, which is preventing me from asking the girl I want to ask to the dance. FFFF

I also think that I am mildly manic-depressive.


Well-known member
me to! I have a large group of friends 5 of them I would consider my closest and I'm fine most times..I can strike up long conversations and look comfortable but alot of things are goin on in my head..