

Everyone.I am MsD from Scotland.Firstly i did initally join the Scottish forum but took off cos of this n that ya know.Now i cant find the link for it...Help ?

So i joined it to get help support for my son,but since joining that i realised that i need it too.You know how sometimes ya just get on with it,will force yourself to do anything for the ones we love well thats what i have been doing for the past 4-5 years since my son was in 3rd year at secondary school,thats when it all started.The being anxious outside,to the point that anger set in,now he cant hold down a job,has already walked from 1 & 3 courses.He has been to Psycologists & was even given tamazepam,neither any good. He goes no where himself except to his GF,5 mins walk away.
( will discuss this at a later date ). He cannot get on a bus alone,dont help that i had to sell my car.Says he hates & trusts no one.He is now nearly 18 & i seriously worry for his future.I help him 24 hours a day,but there is only so much i can do yeh ? Now its got to the stage where i dont want to,cant socialise with people either,i cant be bothered with them,i dont care.Now i am thinking back to when my son was ok,yes he was always kinda shy,same as i am but his extended to effecting his life.Now i believe i am the same..
Sorry for the rambling,obviously i could go into it way more,but i assume many of you here will understand a little about where i am coming from.
I had to get it out while i could !

Ms D 8)


Well-known member
I'm sorry your son is so bad off. What did the psychiatrists do for him? This is a major question, since only certain things work.
I hope this site helps you out.


Helyna said:
I'm sorry your son is so bad off. What did the psychiatrists do for him? This is a major question, since only certain things work.
I hope this site helps you out.

Hi Helyna.
It was a Psycologist !
All she did was sit him a room and talk with him,they set small goals together,which i now think were a waste of time.He needed someone to help him with action not talk.
The doctor then referred him to community mental health workers who told me they could do nothing because he was not 19..yes ok :roll:
So doc said its back to psycologist,my son refused to go,who can blame him.
Now we just get on with it ourselves.
So now i am at the stage where i cant do it alone anymore.
I dont think i can keep up with doing something to help my son that i find difficult myself.


Well-known member
I'm so sorry about this... Dont worry cos at least he has you and he has his GF...I suggest you should talk about him to his Girl Friend.. if anyone can pull him out of this ocean it's going to be you and her... All the best! Waiting for your reply...


CK23 said:
I'm so sorry about this... Dont worry cos at least he has you and he has his GF...I suggest you should talk about him to his Girl Friend.. if anyone can pull him out of this ocean it's going to be you and her... All the best! Waiting for your reply...

Yes i have spoken with him about his GF,in fact its the only thing we agree on.He blames me for the way he is,says i could have done more,what i do not know.Today he has gone to his GF again,walking alone but carrying a pen knife,he says its incase people start,he says people start,they stare & whisper & he feels really scared,anxious.I used to be like that but not anymore.I learned i have to stand up & protect my son.I do not matter !
I can & will do anything for my kids even it scares me !!
Seems the only way to get help & be noticed around where we live is if your a criminal...The rest is a joke !


Well-known member
MissD said:
Helyna said:
I'm sorry your son is so bad off. What did the psychiatrists do for him? This is a major question, since only certain things work.
I hope this site helps you out.

Hi Helyna.
It was a Psycologist !
All she did was sit him a room and talk with him,they set small goals together,which i now think were a waste of time.He needed someone to help him with action not talk.
The doctor then referred him to community mental health workers who told me they could do nothing because he was not 19..yes ok :roll:
So doc said its back to psycologist,my son refused to go,who can blame him.
Now we just get on with it ourselves.
So now i am at the stage where i cant do it alone anymore.
I dont think i can keep up with doing something to help my son that i find difficult myself.

Well, the psychologist should be working on controlling his anxiety. Then she can set goals. She should teach him to think more positively and realistically, then probably work out with him how to handle social situations, then get him to go to social events. He really has to have someone forcing him to get out.

I can imagine how impossible it would be for you to handle this alone. I hope you find some good help.