Hey everyone :)


New member
Hi guys, ive been meaning to look for a forum like this for a while now...but only just today decided to look for one :p.

I'm Jack, 16 and from Australia...I honestly don't know if I have SA, or if i'm just a very shy/avoidant person, could you help me find out if I do have SA?

I'm very, very anti social...I never go outside unless its to go to school, I have friends but never spend time with them outside of school. I don't go out because if I do, I get worried thinking that I will have to talk to people...I always think that people are judging what I do, and watching my every move. Because of this I cant 'let loose' and just be someone...its like I have no personality. I also don't go out because I can't make conversations. I'm not the kind of person who can just start talking to people I don't know, and be friendly with them.

If I do go out, I heavily rely on alcohol to help my mind relax and, once I do get a bit of alcohol in me, I do tend to be a bit more free...but still I can't make conversations. Once I am drunk I do dance...a little, I get alot less aware of the people around me and just don't care anymore...thats why I drink.

I don't talk much...at all. I tend to avoid people as best I can, just so they don't talk to me. Because I know if they talk to me, I will have to talk back...and I can't make a conversation just off the spot. I blush alot, even just talking to someone...saying hello to someone makes me go red. This is also why I avoid people, if I go red infront of them i get scared wondering what they think of me. I go red when people talk about me...or compliment me. I also blush when I get up infront of a crowd and talk, which is normal I suppose.

This is probably stupid, but i'm yet to have a girlfriend...or even kiss a girl. Why? Because I'm too scared to go up and talk to one. If I am a bit drunk, I sometimes talk to girls...but other than that I have no hope.

I spend most of my time at a computer at home, and I'm worried that if I keep spending as much time as I do on a computer (12 hours a day when I don't have school) that my life will be ruined for when I get older. If I don't go out now...how will I go out when i'm 25 and meet people...get married and stuff?

Does it sound like I have SA?

Sorry for the rant, and messyness of my post...I just typed it as i thought of it :).
