Hey everyone


New member
This is my first time posting here. I'm glad I finally found a place I can go about my social phobia/anxiety.

I think the hardest thing about it is that I feel like I can't tell anyone about it. I feel as if I have to hide it, lest I be ridiculed or criticized for "not being socially strong." I've never really been a people person. I have a few close friends, but get me in public, and I automatically begin to avoid contact with anyone else. I even begin to get angry because I can't help but look at others around me and wonder how they manage to get off so well. Another problem I have is with my physical appearance. I don't have the best teeth (problems since childhood) which definitely plays a role in my anxiety, but I know it's not the only factor.

I'm thinking that tomorrow I'm going to go see my school counselor (I'm in my last year of college) and see what I can do to alleviate these feelings. I think what I need now is to be around people who understand these feelings.


Hey, I'm new here too. I know how you feel. I'm in my 3rd year of college, and I watch everyone else socializing and hanging out, and it's not as easy for me as it is everyone else. Plus I live off campus, so I don't have the opportunity to meet anyone out of class. Some times I feel like there's a negative vibe around me, because though I don't always make an attempt to socialize, it often seems as though others don't make an attempt to talk to me either.
Let me know how it goes with the counselor though. I've thought of seeing the counselors on campus, but I keep finding excuses.