Hey all


Active member
How you doin my name is Chris and I have society anxiety disorder. I have been dealing with S.A.D. for as long as I can remember and I have finally ran out of friends so I am really hoping to meet someone I can just talk to about all this who really understands and knows how it feels. I live in the beautiful state of Oregon and I am 22 years old. When I get to the point where I can be myself with someone I consider myself to be a really great person. Otherwise I will continue to TRY and be somebody that I am not and at the same time beat myself up inside for how pathetic I am acting, my lack of proper communication, my nervous body language, and my inability to bond even with my own family! in social situations. This has DESTROYED my life. I have had so many great opportunities that I easily run away from because of this constant fear of rejection and/or awkwardness. Please feel free to add me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/Chrisbcrusty if you can relate and want to get to know me more.