

Active member
omg, im 15 and im in year 11. when im in class i go red whenever i get asked to asnwer a question or read something out cos i always get worked up and start stuttering.. also in certain classes my hearts racing and my palms get all sweaty and i hope noone will notice me cos i feel like people keep saying my name and if someone does ill go bright red. like the other day someone called me to ask if they could borrow a pen and my face starts burning.
also theres certain people that trigger it, for example theres a girl called mel* (changed the name) shes like one of the 'populars' and whenever i see mel or walk past her or anything i go bright red...arh...i feel like an idiot

any advice or anything?? please :oops: :(


Well-known member
r u a guy or girl??

i felt like i was readin something i wrote! im 15 but im in 10th grade and i have the same symptoms and the littlest things like some1 askin 4 a pen like u said makes me bright red its crazy!

but idk what 2 tell ya cuz im in the same positions lol- sry


Active member
ah, its horrible isnt it :? seems to be getting worse everyday and i just cannot wait until year 11 has finished but it seems like ages away..
in history today for example, these girls behind me called out my name, i turned around to them and my face was bright red, the girl asks me to pass a book other to another girl in the class, and they give me a funny look and when i turned my head i heard them whispering..i heard words like 'red' 'scared' 'blushing' so obviously they were talking about me...GOD ITS TORTURE!! :( and in english we are reading romeo and juliet :cry: the teacher picks on random people in the lesson to read out...each lesson i pray pray pray i wont get picked...its making me the opposite of myself cos i used to be loud and funny and happy.. i even have started to avoid talking to my friends...

well that just kinda came tumbling out...i cant tell anyone about this problem so i have to try n' express it somewhere..

well sorry to sound so depressing lol, anyways im a girl and, dya have msn? be good to relate to other people in the same position as me


Active member
that is exactly what school was like for me too :(
maybe you could talk to your teacher after class and ask them not to make you read in front of the class, i used to dread being picked for reading out loud too, it made me sick just thinking about it, and eventually one time when i was asked i just said No, I didn't want to read thankyou, which surprised my teacher (and myself) but he didn't ask me again.


Active member
wow someone else, I am 15 also and my class is reading romeo and juliet, my teacher also does a random pick. I get really worked up and I know exactly how you are feeling, When i was in grade 8 i was such a friendly person and i loved attention, but since i develloped facial blushing i have become so nervous, good luck to you, karmen
someoneelse1 said:
ah, its horrible isnt it :? seems to be getting worse everyday and i just cannot wait until year 11 has finished but it seems like ages away..
in history today for example, these girls behind me called out my name, i turned around to them and my face was bright red, the girl asks me to pass a book other to another girl in the class, and they give me a funny look and when i turned my head i heard them whispering..i heard words like 'red' 'scared' 'blushing' so obviously they were talking about me...GOD ITS TORTURE!! :( and in english we are reading romeo and juliet :cry: the teacher picks on random people in the lesson to read out...each lesson i pray pray pray i wont get picked...its making me the opposite of myself cos i used to be loud and funny and happy.. i even have started to avoid talking to my friends...

well that just kinda came tumbling out...i cant tell anyone about this problem so i have to try n' express it somewhere..

well sorry to sound so depressing lol, anyways im a girl and, dya have msn? be good to relate to other people in the same position as me

I kinda know what you're going through,cause I have HH(not FB,but it's similar).You're right about the talk with the other 'sufferers' :) It really helps,so if you want my msn address,just PM me,I'd be glad to talk with you whenever I can.


I'm nearly 21 and I still blush occassionally but not nearly as much as I used to. I don't blush just because someone asks me a questions, I feel I can chat quite freely and just feel at ease in everyday life, except .... when I'm the centre of attention. That's the only time I blush now, which I guess is a normal reaction, but, I still go quite red, but I just shrug it off and get on with things. Most people are kind and just ignore it, but there are some people who comment, not to be cruel, but just because they have never experienced it. I still envy people who seem to remain the same skin tone no matter what happens, whether they are running a marathon, or speaking in public. I have a pale complexion yet when I'm doing a physical activity all the blood rushes to my face, or if i'm just hot. I think most people on this site have the same complexion as me, so when you blush it's all the more noticable. Unless you want to have an expensive operation I think the best thing is to not let it rule your life. If you feel like you're blushing, just say 'oh, i'm blushing, but it doesn't matter'. Hope i've helped :)