

New member
I have seen loads of similar posts on here, but like all the others, I too need help!
My 'habits' are getting worse...
I really don't know if it's classed as OCD but I just need to know what you guys think please!
My main problem is being on a computer. I sometimes feel like I have pressed the key in the 'wrong place' and will continue to touch the key until it 'feels right'.
I don't know how to describe it, just like I said it doesnt feel quite right.
It's got to the point that it's really distressing and really affects me, it's even got worse since i've first noticed it. I now can be watching TV and if someone in the program puts their cup down 'in the wrong place' I feel so distressed just staring at the cup/object hoping they move it.
That's my main habit 'focus'...that something's been touched/put down/moved in the wrong way and I have to keep touching/moving it until it 'feels right'.
There are some other milder things like I have to wash my hands after touching certain things, particularly in the kitchen, like the dishwasher, someones plate, the bin (although thats just common sense!)
Sorry this was a bit long-winded but i'm only 19 and don't feel like I can talk to anyone about this.
Any replies would be so helpful!
Sarah xxx


Well-known member
OCD Is not really my area of expertise, but someone says help, I will always come running. If your habits are starting to really affect your day to day life, can you maybe change your habits by changing your life a little. Like if your doing everything in a kind of scheduled manner(Which I'm thinking you do) maybe change your schedule, just a little at first.
Or maybe if you start projects to put your nervous energy into, that you can make exactly the way they need to be. ;) Perhaps that may help.


I do think this is OCD, but I also think it's a mild case. I can easily relate to your "right" feeling though. Like if something isn't aligned right etc. I have to fix it until it looks right. And with the stuff on the t.v. I also focus on little events like if someone doesn't wash their hands after doing something that I see as gross, I think "why aren't they washing their hands?" . What I also notice though, is that these types of feelings arise when I get stressed. So during a yearly checkup with the doctor, I just said I was a little stressed out and ever since getting a small dose of anti-anxiety medication, those small annoyance problems have gone away for the most part. I know explaining this can be really embarrassing, because you know how stupid it sounds, but doctors have heard everything. If the problem is strictly OCD related though, there are medications that are only for OCD too. Just remember that the longer you wait to take control of these problems, the harder it will be to get rid of them. Good luck and feel free to send me a pm if you need to talk!