well summer is pretty much here now & its time to sweat even more
i went outside today and sat in the sun & its like 85 degrees and was sweaty from my head to my toe in a matter of minutes. i was wondering about ets & compensatory sweating, how would you get that sweating after ETS if you already sweat in every part of your body? my trunk sweating bothers me ALOT, i cant wear light colored jeans cuz i can soak a pair in no time. anybody have any suggestions? tried ionto for hands, didnt work. used ALOT of antiperspirants, worked about 40% for hands, 90% underarms. but everywhere else 0%. any other suggestions? im scared to take avert & other meds cuz then it prevents you from sweating if your body temperature gets to high right? so then what, you could have a heat stroke? that scares me a little.