

Well-known member
It sounds kind of harsh what I wrote about gagging. My mom has OD'd several times and each time, the hospital gave her a black tar-like substance to purposely make her throw the pills up. She said the stuff was so gross (but necessary).

I worry because some people are so afraid to seek help that they do nothing. There's been times where I was in terrible pain and still refused to go to the Dr. For instance, when I was in labor w/ my second child, I wanted to make sure I was having the baby instead of showing up at the hospital over what could possibly be false labor. It'd make me feel stupid going for nothing. Well, I had contractions for 8 hrs and didn't go to the hospital until the pain was daughter was born 30 min. after I got to the hospital.....Didn't even have time for an I should've went sooner :oops:


Well-known member
What point were you trying to make by taking pills? Do you really expect the other person to go "oh okay, you took a dozen pills, you're right about everything"?