help please


Well-known member
It's probably best to have a talk with your doctor about that. They probably have better advice for that type of thing then you can get on this site. No one here is qualified to give medical advice such as what you are looking for.


You're prolly going through withdrawal from the Celexa. You shouldn't stop a medication without notifying your doctor. Cold turkey on any psych med can spell disaster, you need to wean yourself off it if you have decided to go off it.

Also it seems as if your meds were working, now that your off them you sound much worse off.

Everyone But ME

New member
There are some great how-to videos and if you watch a few, you could learn some makeup tricks. I would try youtube myself. I'm really sorry that you feel that way and I wish I could do more to help.

Everyone But ME

New member
oh celexa ya, I had horrible withdrawls from that, you MUST take smaller doses until you get down to nothing if you want to avoid withdraw hell, and yes you should talk to your doctor about it, if you can