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I have this solved or unresolved (I dont know really) compulsion. It has been bothering me for quite some time now, around 60+ days to be more exact. What's worse is that it's sooo trivial, I consider myself so pathetic and idiotic for even thinking about and reasoning with it even though I know that nothing is wrong. My emotions just cant seem to get in sync with my logical side as a result I cant get over it. Everytime I feel gloomy, it comes to me and I feel doubtful whether or not I solved it properly, so to speak. Then the cycle of doubt and reasurrance continues. How should i approach this then? I tried solving it conforming to my ocd standards(which only became more complicated in the long run) and addressing it objectively and forgetting about it but to no avail as well. Thank you.


Well-known member
Hi Aden and welcome here!

Maybe it would be easier to answer if you wrote some more details?

Have you tried tweaking your nutrition any yet? To make sure you get enough healthy minerals and vitamins, omega 3/6 from fish or fish oil or such?
I found food can literally change the way I feel and think..
I find I am often gloomy when I'm hungry (I just forgot to eat..) So the first thing I check is what time it is and if I need to go eat something... :)

Have you tried talking to friends/other people about this? It may sometimes help too.. They can put things into a totally different perspective!