help me please- can i get my life back?!!


i am new to this forum, n have come to realise that i may have SA i thought that i just painfully shy but now i think that i may have SA as i tick all the boxes that are on the checklist. Can anyone is ruining my for instance it is a sat nite i shud b out partyin but now i'm in the house...
i have no friends as i find it almost impossible to talk in groups...
i feel like everyone is looking at me n when i do talk my voice is really low...i can hear but no one else can hear what i am sayin(if that makes sense)....
n lunch time/break time at school is awful as i feel that everyone is lookin at me- when there not n i cant wait til its over so that i dont have to talk to anyone

n i'm only 17 i want my life back at the mo i have none- i'm really lonely/isolated n i'm heading of uni in september!

please some one help
thanks beauts


Well-known member
hi beauts

Welcome to the forum

At school i used to have no social life really. At lunch I was OK, but it was social interaction outside of school that bothered me. I know Im a fun person to be around and that I am easy to get on with...but I just got ( and to an extent still do get) very anxious about going out.

When I came to university I had only had about 3 or 4 nights out drinking. That all changed at uni in the space of a week and Now i have a great social life. I think Uni will help you loads...because its like a fresh start. Nobody knows who you are or where you come from and u can jsut start from scratch

Hope that is helpful!


thanks but

thanks for ur words of wisdom but at lunch im mute i feel like a lost paort that i shudnt b there n in group situations it is really bad n i have no friends wat so ever! its really getting me down! :(


Active member
I never fitted at school or uni for that matter and i tend to be quite quiet when i first enter a new social situation or an environment were there is a new group of people that I want to be part of.

I tend to work out who I most relate too and then approach them when they are less people around, start up a conversation or something.

Next time the group forms i am on talking terms with at least one of them and that makes things alot easier.


New member
To help you resolve your problem all you have to do is face you fears. It really works and was personally used by me when I was 15 years old, and thankfully it worked and produced results which I never thought possible. I really like this technique, because if I didnt use it - I wouldnt be where I am today - A leading psychologist (social).

Hope this helps!
Afraz Ahmad


New member
I know exactly where you're coming from. I've got this really stubborn streak so i determine to do things (like work as an elf in the Santas grotto at Christmas!) because I can't stand the thought of SA controlling me, but when it comes to actually doing the things it makes me feel sick! But I've got this ridiculous sense of responsibility, so I do them anyway and feel worse and realise that I would have been better off staying at home and watching a movie, or reading a book, which I actually enjoy. For me, there's no point in facing my fears because I anaylse my actions afterwards and feel awful and sure I've made an eejit of myself. Aaaaah! I'm graduating from uni this year, so I'll have to go and get a proper job and the thought terrifies me.