HELP ME!! I'm new!


New member
Hi all:

New to the site so go easy on me! :D

Right where do I start, I'm a 20 year old male, originally from London, but now living in Plymouth, UK and I have been suffering with agoraphobia for 5 years now!

It all started when I was held up at knife point when I was 15 and forced to take an overdose of coke! Luckily enough I just managed to get through school and get my grades, but as soon as I left London, it didn't get much better.

I was totally housebound for 6 months when I first moved here, but had a good patch (so to speak) and thought I would try the work thing. I got a job at Royal Mail of all places and met my partner there (who is still sticking around), but when I left to find other employment my anxiety came back, BIG TIME!!

Since then (July 2003) I've been unemployed, my partner has been working full time and shes been living with me and my parents.

AND NOW I COME TO MY DILEMA!! I want to go to work so I can move out and start a little bit of a life by myself! any advice on how to do this with my anxiety sky high?

Also, would love to add peeps to my MSN for general SP chat (problem shared, problem halved), and also wanting to meet fellow SP sufferers from this part of the country!

All the best



Well-known member
Hi Mozza :) EDIT: Sorry, Paul. Just noticed the real name at the end...

Have you tried therapy? Some people can be completely cured. Hypnotherapy seems very fast and effective (going by the media here), but also expensive.


Active member
I'm new too and have the same sort of thing going on with me. I have tried to battle work but it got too hard! I have been unemployed since Feb' last year and am desperately looking for a job at home or one where i can work on my Own. I avoid my friends and family so am really stuck-in-a-rut. Hopefully talking to people on here will start my path to getting better :)


im new 2

hi paul im wesley! ive got severe sp myself, many reasons for this to many to write in 1 post . ive recently left my job and unemployed at the mo, i want to start my own business so i can work from home. i dont have any friends so if u want to chat sometime ur more than welcome! thx 8)


Active member
I'm finding it SO hard to get a job which i can do at home..I have had a brief talk with my parents about my situation, and they understood for a couple days. Now it seems my Mum has completely forgot what i told her, and at this very moment she's trying to ring jobs up for me!! Telling me i'm "useless" is not helping at all, and she's really getting on my nerves, comparing me to other people at her work! how they have their own house and everything! ........ :evil:


im screwed my dad is making me go to a job agency. right now its 5:30 in the morning and im meant to start a job at 7:30, ive not sleapt yet so what a fun day i have in store yipee :cry:


New member
Well good luck with the day Quite!! Who knows it may be what you need to get your SP sorted?

They say exposure is the best and if you ask someone with a SP to expose themselves to what they are afraid of, then it ain't never gonna happen, so this could be a good chance to attack it?

Let us know how you get on! Would love to here how you coped and things like that!

All the best



Well-known member
Don1985 said:
I'm finding it SO hard to get a job which i can do at home..I have had a brief talk with my parents about my situation, and they understood for a couple days. Now it seems my Mum has completely forgot what i told her, and at this very moment she's trying to ring jobs up for me!! Telling me i'm "useless" is not helping at all, and she's really getting on my nerves, comparing me to other people at her work! how they have their own house and everything! ........ :evil:

I thought I had written this post then lol. This is how I get treated. My parents know Im shy (not that I have SP though) and I keep telling them I cant use the phone. But they are always making me apply for jobs in the paper then calling me useless when I say I cant use the phone.

So the only ones I can apply for, are the ones via email or letter. But 90% never get back to me or when they do & they see how shy I am, I always get turned down!

My parents keep on and on and on at me to go to the job center. Shouting at me almost every single day about it, but that just makes me feel worse.
Ive been unemployed now since I think it was may 2003! (ive had no money coming in as I cant go 2 the job center).

I did used to go to the job center for 6 months before my last job, but that was tremendously difficult & my SP became worser as the bit I had to go into was always a very sociable place & I couldnt cope on my own!


New member
Hi everyone, im new here too. Ive been reading through a few posts and had to comment on this one. I work form home and have done for the last 5 years, and believe me it doesnt help in the long run. I wish I went to work everyday, because maybe I would be getting better where as by working from home is just like giving in to it all. since working from home I cant say ive got worse, but i certainly havent got any better. If I had to get up and go out to work each day, I would dread it, but after a while it would become easier, I think so anyway. just my view on it. hope to get to know you all soon. x x


Well-known member
this is an old thread but i'll respond anyway, i'm unemployed as well but i'm also in school so it's hard to find something to work my schedule around.

directed towards Paul, i think it'd be best to take it one step at a time. i know that i worked at a shoe store for over a year but when i changed jobs, the anxiety came back. i think it probably has to do with your comfort level and how familiar you are with your job. it's a whole different story if you know what you're doing. but when you don't, stress stress stress.

but like i say, one step at a time. first find a good job, then think about moving out and all that. it's hard to do all at one time and alot of added stress on you as well.