HELP! I have a presentation coming up...


Well-known member
UGH thanks guys!! I have that stupid presentation coming up in an hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was hoping some one would take the time to help me cope....

guess not

if i humiliate myself its YALLS fault

not really

but i used to help people on this site, but dont feel like it anymore THANKS!


When you feel nervous, just tell yourself that it's only 20 minutes out of your whole life. You will get through it. Just think of how you're going to feel after it's over. If you're worried about what people in your class are going to think, does it really matter? It's a class, you'll probably never see most of them again after school is over. Be confident in yourself and you will do just fine. They are just people.


Well-known member
ok , thanks!!!! you acutally responded!

well its over, and i got an A...but im pretty sure people could tell i was nervous. My prof wrote on there, remember to breathe and smile more, be confident b/c you had good information... so i think that was good advice

i was really nervous because we have a really well known football player in our class who is like top 5 in college football in the U.S.... so im always intimidated by people who are so known like he is...

anyway next is group presentations and that will be so much easier.

thanks for taking the time to respond!