

New member
Hello. I am 41 years old. Over the past 20 years, I have made many accomplishments in my effort to overcome my social anxiety, social phobia and shyness. In 1988, when I was 22 years old, I had no social life. I had no friends. I had trouble making friends. I had never gone out on a date.

I began going to individual and group therapy with Jonathan Berent, whose book, "Beyond Shyness," is listed on the Shyness Books section of this website: http://www.socialphobiaworld.com/shyness-books.php. Jonathan Berent's website is: http://www.socialanxiety.com.

I also began going to social groups, including the Friendship Connection, http://www.thefriendshipconnection.org/. I began the slow process of making friends. I went on my first date when I was 26 years old. Since then, I have had several relationships with women, including my current girlfriend, whom I have been dating for two years now.

Feel free to e-mail me and visit my blog: