Hi, I'm Chloe. I'm 16 (nearly 17) and I'm very shy! As I'm sure you all know, the internet is a fantastic way to make yourself heard and it's probably the reason I have friends - otherwise they wouldn't know me very well at all.
I'm very anxious in groups and I can only really talk to people I know well one-on-one. I'm trying to make myself get out a bit more and have just joined a cell group linked with my Church where there are lots of new faces and it's all a bit scary!! But I'm hopnig it'll help me.
It's nice to be here, and although I don't think I have a social phobia (although those stupid internet quizzes seem to think I do) my shyness is getting pretty extreme as I get older.
Look forward to seeing you all around!
I'm very anxious in groups and I can only really talk to people I know well one-on-one. I'm trying to make myself get out a bit more and have just joined a cell group linked with my Church where there are lots of new faces and it's all a bit scary!! But I'm hopnig it'll help me.
It's nice to be here, and although I don't think I have a social phobia (although those stupid internet quizzes seem to think I do) my shyness is getting pretty extreme as I get older.
Look forward to seeing you all around!