

Active member
I am very happy to find this forum as I have been recently diagnosed with SP, which i always seem to have had since childhood. I never knew what it was.. and it really sucks and has screwed my life and robbed me of opportunities in my career (stand-up comedy)

the thing is, I am fine when I am performing on stage in front of a good audience, but it's the time just before and just after having to chat with audience members and other comedians that i fall into a massive panic.
The idea of small talk and looking people in the eye and not worrying (oh god did i just spit when i talk? do they know i am so nervous i speak really fast and don't make any point or any sensical statements?) so i usually run for my life two minutes off stage, thus missing out on networking etc..

i guess some of you know what i am talking about?:eek:

Thanks for letting me share this.
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Active member
Well today the shoot hit the gun on Facebook (that thing that really winds up my social anxiety) in the form of a demented ex g/f not liking what i posted [as a joke.] we've not seen each other for 17 years and she has since become a very opinionated born-again christian

so she posts on my page all this crap about me and revealing a bunch of personal secrets and insults along with bible quotes.

This is why i don't like to go out and meet people.
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