

Active member
I found this place last week when I was googling social phobia and trying to find some solutions to my problem (there's really no easy solution). See, throughout high school I was able ignore the problem because hardly anyone ever spoke to me. I had extreme difficulties here and there, but after they happened I would just try to forget about them and tell myself I would be home soon.

Well now I'm out of high school and going to college. I went to an orientation the other day where we had to stay the night. The whole thing was a nightmare. I literally had one of the biggest panic attacks I've ever experienced. I wouldn't eat. I would barely speak.
My mom had to take me back to the hotel so I could calm down, but she made me go back and stay the night. I didn't even know who my roommate was. I sat on my bed for several hours waiting for them to walk in. Being in that unfamiliar place, waiting for this random person to show up, and hearing a bunch of loud voices out in the hall was terrifying to me. The fear I experienced made my entire body ache, especially my chest.

All of this made me realize that I need to do something about this problem because my family has only given me two options, go to college or get a job. College seems like the better option.

If you're still reading this, here are a few facts about me.
I'm extremely sensitive.
It takes me ages to post a reply on forums because I keep changing things and therefore it sometimes becomes a big mishmash of ideas.
I crave friendship, but am not a very good friend.
I love being around people, but people terrify me.
I love people, but they still terrify me.
My biggest problem with my social phobia is shaking.

I guess that's it.


Well-known member
Hi PandaBear, welcome to the forum.
Sorry to hear about the orientation.
You seem like a nice person, I hope you find some help here.


Active member
welcome PandaBear :>
college seems like a nice option if you sure what you want to study :)

I don't really know what I want to study. That's one of the biggest problems I'm having. For years I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do, but now that I've changed my mind I'm sort of having an identity crisis.


Active member
maybe taking some time to think on it will be nice. even if you loose a year for working, you gain some other things :)

I think I'm already locked into college though. We've paid a bunch of fees and done a bunch of stuff so I can go. I would definitely be letting my parents down if I didn't go.

I think I'm going to take a safe route and major in computer science (not the programming stuff, I think). From that, maybe I could branch off into something else, like making movies. Heck, I don't know.


Active member
well you are still young, conquer the world tiger (/panda?) ;)

by the way, what stops you from starting with movie direction right now if you know it attracts you more?


I've never tried making movies or anything like that before. I've edited a few videos, but nothing major. I just feel like doing the computer science things is a safer bet.
But you're right.. maybe I should look into taking some film classes as a minor.


Well-known member

I've never tried making movies or anything like that before. I've edited a few videos, but nothing major. I just feel like doing the computer science things is a safer bet.
But you're right.. maybe I should look into taking some film classes as a minor.

Try it. That's how I changed to maiking film my major, tho I always knew from very young. But - definitely a challenge with SA, one of the most communicative collaborative human interactive social mediums you can get involved in - however "making" films is general you may find you really like editing more so - or etc.

You can still go the "safer bet" - but sometimes you got to risk those chips to find something you really WANT to do.


Active member
Try it. That's how I changed to maiking film my major, tho I always knew from very young. But - definitely a challenge with SA, one of the most communicative collaborative human interactive social mediums you can get involved in - however "making" films is general you may find you really like editing more so - or etc.

You can still go the "safer bet" - but sometimes you got to risk those chips to find something you really WANT to do.

I'm capable of interacting with small groups of people, especially when the only topic of conversation is something we're working on.

I'm more interested in the editing, music, etc. parts of movies. I even like the writing part of it, but I know I'm not a good enough writer for that.
What do you do exactly? Direct or camera stuff?


Well-known member
Well I wasted time due to SA - but I like directing, but it's a challenge - tho - less about interaction more I can be a poor verbal communicator. That's why I write =D

So I got into Sound a bit for production and directing - and writing mainly. Love art design too. Editing is fun really vital but I'm way too slow and picky.

But try some stuff out esp if there's a semblance of film at your school.


Active member
Well I wasted time due to SA - but I like directing, but it's a challenge - tho - less about interaction more I can be a poor verbal communicator. That's why I write =D

So I got into Sound a bit for production and directing - and writing mainly. Love art design too. Editing is fun really vital but I'm way too slow and picky.

But try some stuff out esp if there's a semblance of film at your school.
It's liberal arts school so I'm pretty sure there is a film program. I need to look at what they offer though.

Thanks so much for your input.