
Hi everyone,

I'm new to this. Feeling a little lonely and introspective, so if anyone wants to listen, here's me in a nutshell :

I'm 22, and just finishing up college.

I hate being the center of attention. I'm PETRIFIED of public speaking or even speaking up in class. I can't bring myself to talk to professors or anyone in a position of authority.

Besides my boyfriend, I have no real friends. There are people I keep in touch with and friendly acquaintances, but no one in whom I can truly confide or let my guard down with.

I constantly feel fat. I'm 5'2" and 112lbs -- whether or not you want to call this "fat" is up to you, but I was pretty porky throughout junior high and most of high school, and consequently there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about my weight, or tug at my clothes worrying about what I must look like to the outside world.

If you met me in person, you probably would classify me as a social-phobic. I hide it pretty well. (At least I think I do.)

I'm really embarrassed about my social anxiety. :oops:

I'm afraid of speaking on the telephone. Sometime I don't pick it up if it's a number I don't recognize.

I think the internet is a god-send. Face-less communication is so easy.

I guess that's it for now.

Thanks for letting me vent


Well-known member
Hello and welcome - you are certainly braver than i. When i first joined up i couldn't bring myself to formally introduce myself, so good for you.
I hope you find a sense of solace and support here with us :D


Well-known member
hi TwoYellowSocks. :) .i love your name!....and i can relate to everything you say..and the weight thing?..i'm not overweight, but i am really strict about what i eat and almost obsessed with my clothes and how i look before i walk out the door...i'm sure it's also part of my anxiety :roll:


Well-known member
maggie said:
hi TwoYellowSocks. :) .i love your name!....and i can relate to everything you say..and the weight thing?..i'm not overweight, but i am really strict about what i eat and almost obsessed with my clothes and how i look before i walk out the door...i'm sure it's also part of my anxiety :roll:

I struggle with the weight issue also. I put my pic on here and a few guys were like "yeah you look good", but I have days where I cannot stand my weight. I'm 5'5 and about 140-145 (I don't weigh myself much anymore). I wonder if SA and body image problems are somehow linked, and I can understand why they would be. SA for me is a disorder of me always worrying about what people think of me, and I think, if I'm skinny, they will think highly of me. I always try to dress nice when I go places because I have this thinking that if I look good, people will respect me more. This is probably somewhat true, but it's very superficial.

You are certainly not alone in your fears. SA and body image are real problems for people. Guys like to joke at us girls who call ourselves fat. They say we just want attention, but for some of us it is a real problem that we face when no one is around.

Welcome to the forum. Hope we get to know you better!
I agree with what everyone is saying, but it's a lot easier said than done...over the years I've learned to exert more control over what I do (I exercise, I eat healthier) but how do you control what you think?

It's funny...the rational part of me sees a big difference in the numbers on the scale, but somehow the person in the mirror never seems to change... :?