

Well-known member
Hi. I found this forum a few days ago, and have decided to post. I was inspired by another post i saw yesterday about being cooped up in there house for 14 years,and it really spoke to me. I'm about to turn 22 and have been staying in my home for the past six years,rarely getting out, and even then i haven't socialized with people in that time.

Much like the above mentioned poster i was alright to an extent while at school, it made me socialize with people. However after 8th grade i did not go to high school due to several reasons. Recently however things have changed to where i want to and need to get my life going. I've just recently realized that my SAD isn't going to just go away.

Part of my struggle to resocialize has been that after school,i found my friends moving on while i felt stuck,trapped, and even hopeless. I also had other more important problems to attend to such as a house that was falling into disrepair, and not having any means to fix it. However, recently things have gotten much better my house has gotten fixed up in good order and i recently got a chance to get out of the house for a few weeks. This really got me thinking on my condition and how i would like to move on with my life rather than be terrified all the time. I've decided to seek professional help and it really has made me feel better, that there is hope.

Anyways sorry for the long post, i really like this forum it has really helped me and put my mind at ease that i am not alone.

By the way anybody have a link to that post i mentioned i saw it there the other day and can,t find it now. Thanks.