Hello SPW!


New member
Hi to everyone,

I came here from meetup.com, since their social anxiety group closed I was looking for something else and am glad to have joined here.

My name is Carl, Im 28 and I have suffered from SA since leaving school.
I am a fairly quiet person, I find it difficult to mix in with other people when I'm out. I always want to let myself go but something keeps holding me back.


Well-known member
Hey Carl. You just developed social phobia after leaving school? What was different before leaving school?

I always think that I want to just let myself go but I don't even let myself go when I am all by myself.


New member
I was bullied at school, even by own friends and it has affected my life. When leaving school I lost all confidence in myself and became a recluse.
It took a few months before I even got a job.
I was fairly confident at school, but quiet. Even though the bullying got to me at times, I fought back. Most of the bullying was verbal but it made me paranoid and I thought everybody was looking at me.
Now, I don't care so much. I have a good job and made som enew friends and am going out a bit more. But I dont have the confidence I once had and because people see me as the quiet one I feel like I can't change for them, even tough I want to.
I am more myself around strangers than around people I know.
Unlike you, when I'm on my own I do let myself go...I act a bit crazy sometimes and do things out of the ordinary.
I just think why can't I be like that around everybody else?


Well-known member
Hi carl how are you doing? Welcome to the site. You said that you were from the meetup.com site. I also have an account on there and was wondering what was your expierence with the meetsups on that site? I attended a few meet up where people said they would show up but no one ever did. Did your group ever got around to doing any?


Well-known member
I attended a few meet up where people said they would show up but no one ever did. Did your group ever got around to doing any?

That's probably both the funniest and saddest thing I've read today so far. The concept of a social phobics meetup group. where no one actually meets up. Sorry for the cynicism, but it IS kind of funny, you have to agree. :lol:


Well-known member
ash_2001 said:
I attended a few meet up where people said they would show up but no one ever did. Did your group ever got around to doing any?

That's probably both the funniest and saddest thing I've read today so far. The concept of a social phobics meetup group. where no one actually meets up. Sorry for the cynicism, but it IS kind of funny, you have to agree. :lol:

Yes, i was thinking of making a poll here :"Would you hang out with others SA-ers", but i didnt know how to start it. Yes, it is funny:)