Hello! New poster with SP/Depression here.

Hi everyone!

A little about me:
I've had social phobia for most of my life, I got it from school being bullied the first 6 years. After that I started skipping school on a daily basis untl it developed into a major problem. I became an outcast from society (even to my family/friends), got kicked out of the gymnasium because of it.
After I spent several years inside four walls going outside maybe once a month.

I did manage to finish one school though and even meet my current girlfriend there. And life seemed to go pretty good until problems started to arise with her. I hit rock bottom again and I managed to destroy every single friendship I had had up 'til that point.

Lately I have improved my relations to some old friends but now my depression has started to get out of hand. I've also started having nasty panic attacks.

I went to the doctor this week and I agreed on starting taking meds, she put me on 10mg citalopram (to be increased to either 20 or 40mg).
I also got 2 weeks sick leave from work, I don't know if I'll get any compensation though as my SP made it impossible to deliver the papers. Infact I'm not even sure if I have a job anymore as I couldn't phone them either, I just sent them a textmessage.

They weren't exactly very understanding of my problem at the doctor's, they didn't seem to fathom that it is extremely difficult for me to handle these kind of things.

So now I'm sitting here very unsure of the future. The meds haven't done anything other yet than taken away my sexdrive and made me nauseous and numb.

I have no idea what I'm supposed to do, seeking a new job feels impossible but we have a mortgage and bills to pay.

Oh yeah and I'm 24 years old btw.

I guess that's me in a very tiny nutshell.


Well-known member
Welcome to SPW, ZappBrannigan. :) I think you will find that people here are understanding of your problems, more so than those on the outside, cause hey, we're living them too. Keep up the fight! I hope you discover the acceptance and comfort you seek here.
Thank you thequietone and Starry. :)

I've been lurking for some time already but haven't had the courage to sign up and start posting. This feels like a pretty good place, I hope I can find some help here. I also hope I will be able to contribute.

It's really good that sites like these exist, in my part of the world there doesn't even exist such a thing as social phobia. You either have a personality disorder or depression or just panic attacks.