Hello from Michigan


New member
Hi, I just came across this website today, and felt like it would be a good idea to join. I thought that maybe I could at least start socializing with people that can maybe understand and relate to my situation, and I would not feel so out of place. I have never felt comfortable posting on any type of forums before, although I read them all the time. Just writing anything for me is very difficult, and tends to take a very long time. I tend to be extremely critical of everything I write (or say), due to either my perfectionism issues, or because I am worried about whether or not I am going to sound stupid.
I am 41 years old, and have 2 awesome boys, that are 6 and 4. I am also currently going through a divorce, which has been difficult for me, since my wife was pretty much the only person that I ever talked to. Now that I am living on my own, I feel as though I definitely NEED to have some friends. Whenever I have had any kind of friendships with anyone in the past, I have always seemed to eventually push them away from me . As time goes by, it becomes more and more difficult, and I become even more fearful of contacting them.
I have suffered from social anxiety for as long as I can remember. It gets to be very frustrating and depressing at times, as it has kept me from accomplishing so many things that I have wanted to do with my life. I try very hard to be a positive person, but it can be difficult, knowing that I have allowed my fears to control everything in my life.
I am currently unemployed, and have put myself deep into debt, since separating with my wife. I have been living off of credit cards for many months now, and have dug myself a very deep hole. Looking back, I think that my excessive credit card use, has been my way of dealing with the divorce. During my marriage I was actually very good with my money. The crazy thing is, although I am quickly running out of credit, and desperately in need of an income, I still cannot get myself to turn in job applications, because of my fears. I have been trying to start an online business, but have not been doing so well so far, but I remain hopeful that things are going to get much better. It seems like the longer I go without working somewhere, and actually being around people, the more my fears grow.
Well I guess that is enough for now. I feel relieved just being able to tell this much about myself. I am hopeful that this forum will be helpful for me, and maybe also I will be able to help others out too. If anyone has any questions for me, please feel free to ask. Also I welcome any advice that you feel may be helpful for me. It feels good to be able share, as I have lived in silence for too long! Thanks for listening!


New member

Hi Ricko,

I'm glad you decided to join the site. I see you're having a hard time finding work and I'm sorry to hear that. As you already know, the economy is tough right now but I hope it looks up. Anyways, I work as a Vocational Counselor and help adults that need extra support find work. I'd be happy to answer any questions about getting started with your job search. I guess I'll start with some unsolicited advice... start with the smallest baby step. For example, just review your resume and make sure it looks nice. Make any changes if needed. Just do that your first day. The next day, take a peek in the paper's help wanted ads or at an online job search site. Find at least one job you are interested in. The third day, email or call the job ad and just inquire about te job. Ask what all it entails and see where the conversation goes. You don't have to leave your house for that one. These are just some of my ideas for getting started. I'd be happy to help you through day four and five. Let me know. Take good care of yourself!

ButterflyN :)