Hello Everyone


New to this forum and just registered so I wanted to introduce myself. I don't know if this is the right place for introductions, but the "Introduce Yourself " sectionseemed like it wasn't that active and since my biggest problem is hyperhidrosis of the hands, feet, I thought I would say hello here.
I'm a female in my late 30's and have had hyperhidrosis all my life. It affects my life and as I sit here alone on a Friday night, I hope that this forum will both inform and be of some support as I struggle through my days.


Well-known member
is HH in the hands as bad as people say it is? I have HH all over body, but not in my hands, which is incredibly strange, so I don't quite know what it's like

there are a bunch of things that you can do. Iontophoresis is a really big word for tub of water with a current in it, apparently it is very effect to stop sweating of the hands. there are liquids and creams as well, and there is a pill which is also effective.

I've resorted to wearing all black, swimming instead of running, and blasting the AC whenever possible.


I get sometimes get HH on other parts of my body but it has too be a realy anxiety type situation. Otherwise, it's mostly my hands and feet that are affected by HH.


Well-known member
hello, welcome.
i have all over hh, especially bad on my hands and feet.
if you wanna talk to me or whatever that's cool. :)


Thank you, :p I know for me, that I have been trying to "hide" or not talk about my HH for so long, that it feels a little strange, just openly discussing HH. I still wish my HH would one day just go away, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen. Unfortunately, I think it's just making me more introverted as I get older. So it was nice to find this active forum.