Hello everyone


Active member
I'm a 18 years old girl :).
I had psychological issues since I was very very young...
My issues started beacause of physical and mental abuse when I was a child and then significantly worsened when I was severely bullied from the age of about 10 to 13.
I didn't have any friend, I hated everybody, felt hated by everyone, hated myself...I start to have social anxiety (it was so bad if a group of random teens where laughing in the street I assumed they where laughing because of me) I started having eating disorders (went through binge eating, bulimia, anorexia, bulimia again) , cutting, suicidial thoughts...
When I was nearly 17 I tried to kill myself for the first time and was commitd to a psych ward, then things slowlyyyy began to get a bit better...
I'm not from an english speaking country I hope I dont write too badly :bigsmile: