Hello Everyone


New member
Hi there and thanks for reading first of all it's pretty long because I have so much pent up. I'm pretty positive I have social anxiety. I don't really know a lot about it, or the difference between SA and SP and the other terms, but I do know that my situation has progressed beyond just plain shyness to a fear of interacting with people. I googled social anxiety one day and this sounded like a place I could come to learn more and interact with others that share the same problem. I read a few threads before deciding to join so here I am...

I'm in my mid twenties, married, no kids, I live in the south. Sorry for being vague but I'm wary of posting any info online due to some past experiences. Anyhow, I have a degree and was able to have a (stressful but good) managerial job for awhile before deciding to change careers so I could do something more rewarding. I am currently in tech school. I graduate in a few months and the job I have a true passion for will require me to be a little social but only in a 1 on 1 setting, which I think will be great. I'm pretty excited but anxious of course for a new environment and working with strangers of course.

I have literally NO close friends, only aquaintances and relatives. I don't have friends I talk to often or share things with other than my spouse. Over the years I have seperated myself from old friends and never made new ones, because I had people backstab me and now I don't trust anyone. I don't want to close off my whole life from good people though, so I want to learn how to open back up and make new friends and reveal my real self to them. I'm always so quiet and people say I have no personality and am boring. I am actually goofy and intelligent but nobody knows because I can't show that side of me, for some reason. I guess I am just scared of not being liked and being made fun of, because I was as a child. And then getting backstabbed by someone when I was an adult added to it.

I just want to lead a normal life (don't we all) and be happy and not be afraid to interact with people so I can be successful at my job & make friends... thanks for letting me vent and I will see you around!


Active member
I can relate. I also have a goofy side but only a few close friends ever see that part of me....It has a lot to do with how comfortable I am with the people I am around.....Any way Welcome to the site:)


Well-known member
I can relate to some of what you've said, especially about not being able to be my 'real self' around people. Welcome to SPW. :)
Boy, can I relate. I'm a newbie here -- I hope we can learn alot from others. We sound a lot alike. I'm encouraged to find this site. I'm looking forward to learning from you and all the others.