Hello, everyone


Active member

Only in my past two experiences of inebriation by marijuana have I realized how introverted and antisocial I am. Unfortunately this was made evident by the collective ridicule of most/all of the people I associate with at my university (including my housemates). I couldn't see the writing on the wall but I definitely heard it. In response I experienced one of the worst panic attacks I've had which I abated by telling myself I was crazy but I know it isn't true. This has only affirmed my self doubt, spurred my reclusive behavior and driven me avoid them. It has gotten to the point I skip meals when my housemates have guests over. I've always been self conscious, feeling like I'm on the spot whenever I'm in public and having horrible stage fright (i'm loosely affiliated with a band) but to let this anxiety interfere at my home has made it clear how much it rules my life. Its real and I can't ignore it any longer.

I'm sure everyone took a long time to figure how they'll introduce themselves but its just silly how concerned I am/was about how I come across in this message. Only after two days of lurking and one day of being registered do I feel ready to introduce myself.


Active member
Thanks. its just hard to adjust from the funk that my daily interactions put me in to an open place such as this


Active member
Thanks endymion, I've definitely put the pipe down. The first attack, I tried to get control but everyone dismissed me and deferred to the person instigating it all. The second time I just bailed but abstaining will hopefully hold the third one.


I've been there. Not a good buzz at all. Don't worry you're among friends here. hope you are able to get some helpful input.


Well-known member
Welcome MothMan. If there is one thing I've learned is that weed only adds fuel to SA. It can make even your closest friends seem as if they hate and despise you. Anyways, I hope you have a pleasant stay at this wonderful forum. :)


Well-known member
That's another thing, confront the instigator, not their advocates. Just think of this, that typical kid's game when they are about to give you something but then, if there's a group of people around, instead he throws it to them, and then you go to that person, and that person throws it to someone else and on they go. The first person to take care of is the person who threw the object first.

You can also go ahead and think of negative remarks you can say about that person, look for it and find it and remember it. When the time comes, drop the bomb, loud and clear...then laugh. Works beautifully.

Physical contact is also very effective, you build a lot of respect. A hard tap in the head/face and a good SHUT UP works like a charm. Anywhere else in the body, might just seem like sorry-horseplay, and you do not want that.

Best of luck with this and next time, just try it! BE LOUD!

Are you suggesting he gets in a fight? That doesn't seem like it would accomplish much...


New member
No, not a fight, just draw a line of respect. A simple pat will not cause a fight if the other person is attacking you verbally, or at least it shouldn't. That person should get the point that you mean business and that person will stop.

If you go taping people's head for no apparent reason, I guess then, you can be ready for a fight.

I am afraid I would have to advise against taking that course of action. If I were the one doing the teasing, and my target decided to resort to a physical confrontation, I would not hesitate to retaliate with ten times the force and aggression.

so my advise: Do it if you must, its not a fight if he doesnt get up, and hope his advocates arnt so loyal that they will jump you immediately afterwords.