hello everyone


Hello i'm new here, came across this forum when i typed never had girlfriend in google, i have struggled with SA for quite a while, used to drink and take drugs to try and change me but it didn't help, and yep 23 and never had girlfriend at age 23 well not really there were about 2 cases where i sort of went out with someone but for no longer than a week and that was in my heavy drinking days, i found people replies helpfull, saying that it wasn't that bad to have never had a relationship at 23 and be cool and open about it, at the minute I'm trying to just have a relationship with me and deal with my self hatred which is going well, at the minute AA is my only social life most of the time which sometimes make's me feel left out from all the other people having fun but it actually isn't that bad really. Sometimes i go out and do stuff, yesterday went to a very small festival with a couple of friends which was ok, did feel abit self concious but everyone was looking at the stage and so was i and that was ok. The way i feel about myself has improved over the last year but i can still get low sometimes, can't deal with new people very well and large group occasions. People like us can improve and get better but we need to get help, anyone on here who feels like thier is no hope for them I'm telling you there is, i would reccomend to anyone some sort of group they really do help, i use AA and Sa is very common thier but thier are groups availible for SA, i'm thinking of going to one, but i'm not sure.


Well-known member
Hi, well done on going to AA. 23 is still young, you have plenty of time ahead of you and sounds asthough you are moving in the right direction.
