Hello All


New member
Well not sure where to begin but here goes nothing. I hope not to annoy anyone. I'm 18 years and am currently a senior in High School. Ever since Middle School I have had SA, afraid to talk to people, and communicate to anyone around me. Throughout these many school years I never once was able to talk to any friends or anyone at school, afraid of being judged and disliked. Now in the present time, I still can't find the strength to talk. Along with this I have liked a certain girl I know for quite some time now, and even made made and gave her a cake for her birthday. Each day I try to find it in me to talk, but I just can't seem to do it. With it being my last year of school, i'm afraid that if I can't get myself to talk I may end up regretting not ever talking to her. I'm afraid that I may end up being rejected, or that she may not like me, but it could just be me over thinking. I'm also a little self conscious in the way I look, believing that I'm not good enough looking. Besides that I'm a really nice guy who loves to help people out, but just can't seem to talk or interact with anyone. Glad too meet everyone.


Well-known member
Hi macaulay, welcome to SPW.

I doubt you'll annoy anyone, there are plenty of people here who know what it's like to fear judgement and rejection.

I hope you like it here.


Well-known member
You're not bothering anyone by introducing yourself, so don't worry:)! Welcome to SPW! Girl problems, huh? We can relate::p:! So, why did you bake her a cake and what was her response to it? When she interacts with you, what is she like, compared to when she's talking with others? On another note, how much experience do you have in pastries? It's pretty cool that you can cook!


New member
Hehe, yeah girl problems. I baked her the cake to surprise her, which it did. In the end she told me it was sweet, and she really liked it. I made the cake itself to look like a panda (I did this because she likes pandas). Usually when she talks to me she is really nice, and quite often tried to get me to talk to her, which I wish I would have done so many times. And with cooking experience, I cook quite often, I enjoy doing it. For example when I made that cake for her, it took almost an entire day, but I enjoyed every minute of it and I found it worth it in the end. :)


Well-known member
Hehe, yeah girl problems. I baked her the cake to surprise her, which it did. In the end she told me it was sweet, and she really liked it. I made the cake itself to look like a panda (I did this because she likes pandas). Usually when she talks to me she is really nice, and quite often tried to get me to talk to her, which I wish I would have done so many times. And with cooking experience, I cook quite often, I enjoy doing it. For example when I made that cake for her, it took almost an entire day, but I enjoyed every minute of it and I found it worth it in the end. :)

At the very least, it sounds like you've got a good friend in her. Now, does she have feelings for you is a question that I cannot answer with an accurate guess. I'm pretty horrible at reading signs::eek::, so you may get some good advice from coyote. He's been around the block and knows a lot when it comes to stuff like this::p:. You could also talk to the ladies on this site and get advice from them as well. What I would advise is to go for it. If there are any events going on nearby, invite her to one. Or you can ask her to hang out with you on the weekend; you can go to the park or a place one of you enjoys.


Well-known member
Thanks for the help :) The hard part is actually talking and asking her if she would like to do one of those things.

Well, when she talks to you one day, bring up the subject. It's going to be hard, but the regret of not having a concrete answer is something that will rend your soul. Just "act before you have time to worry":)!