Hello all! And a few questions about Avert.


New member
Firstly, hi to everyone.

I am so glad to have found this forum; after suffering from Axillary HH since I was about 16 (I'm now 24), I honestly was coming to the conclusion that this was just something I'd have to live with forever. I'll spare you all the sob stories as you all have your own, but suffice to say HH has basically made my quality of life terrible for the last 8 years. One of the things which annoys me is how random HH is; sometimes I can be in socially akward situations and be relatively dry, then I can be sat at home relaxed, watching the footie and it's dripping out of me!

One of the things I've gotten from reading these forums is that it turns out I'm actually quite lucky in many respects compared to those of you who suffer with Palmar, Facial and Cranial HH, because at least I can make some attempt to cover mine up with clothing. So to those of you with these types of HH, my heart genuinely goes out to you, and I wish you all the best with whatever treatment you are trying.

Anyway, to date I have used only aluminium chloride treatments, PerspireX and Driclor, but couldn't get on with them - even with a completely dry skin and in a very relaxed state these products gave me terrible irritation and kept me up scratching all night long.

Today I have just had Odaban delivered to me which I hope I will have better luck with, it seems most people here rate this product as the best tropical treatment around, so I'll be giving it a bash tonight.

I'm very interested in giving the Avert pills and Secure wipes a try too, as I don't really hold out much hope of Odaban working (it's still just aluminum chloride, isn't it?). I have a few questions though, and would really appreciate any information anybody could give me regarding them; Firstly, I live in England, and so the P&P from Pharmacy.ca is ridiculously high - I have had a fairly thorough Google search but can't find any UK sellers - does anybody know of any? Secondly, everyone seems to have gone straight for the max 2mg strength pills, can these be broken up into halves so one could try 1mg first and then a whole one if required, or not?

Anyway, I've rambled on for far too long, hopefully somebody can help me out with a seller of Avery and Secure in the UK, otherwise I'll have to cough up $30 for delivery - actually, this doesn't seem that much on reflection, I still would rather not pay this much though if I didn't have.

All the best,

- Craig. :)


Well-known member

Did you google for Robinul in the UK? Avert is the Canadian brand name for glycopyrrolate.

Avert comes in capsules, so no, you couldn't "break them" into half. If you did decide to order them though, maybe you could get the 1mg ones and just use more of them.

Good luck!