Hearing Impairment and Lonliness at 30

I've had profound hearing loss since it was diagnosed when I was 2 and wear the highest powered hearing-aids thtt's out there. I've always had difficulty maintaing friendships, most of them seems to not get past the acquaintance stage.

I also have a scar from heart surgery that is noticable on my chest when I wear shirts that's a little low-fitting. I'm not self-conscious about that but I don't know if people judge and think I might not be very healthy.

My lonliness has gotten so bad I've resorted going to the bar just to "hang" out with other people. I don't want to hear any "get some counseling" crap because that's not going to make people call me, invite me over for get-togethers, bonfires, parties, that sort of thing.

I do other things like camping and going to a concert but I go alone.

I don't believe in organized religion so I don't go to Church. I'm also not into volunteering as I already have a full-time job and its hard for me to fit in.

Last night some older gentleman made a comment that I'm always there myself, at a comedy show that goes on every week. Thanks for reminding me what a loser I am dude.


Well-known member
At least you have a job. I am too afraid to even get one. Regarding socializing and not being lonely, I'm about to give up on it. I've wasted too many years of my life chasing it. Now I just want to live with the basics - work and rest.


Well-known member
I've had profound hearing loss since it was diagnosed when I was 2 and wear the highest powered hearing-aids thtt's out there. I've always had difficulty maintaing friendships, most of them seems to not get past the acquaintance stage.

I also have a scar from heart surgery that is noticable on my chest when I wear shirts that's a little low-fitting. I'm not self-conscious about that but I don't know if people judge and think I might not be very healthy.

My lonliness has gotten so bad I've resorted going to the bar just to "hang" out with other people. I don't want to hear any "get some counseling" crap because that's not going to make people call me, invite me over for get-togethers, bonfires, parties, that sort of thing.

I do other things like camping and going to a concert but I go alone.

I don't believe in organized religion so I don't go to Church. I'm also not into volunteering as I already have a full-time job and its hard for me to fit in.

Last night some older gentleman made a comment that I'm always there myself, at a comedy show that goes on every week. Thanks for reminding me what a loser I am dude.

What about a hearing loss support group, where you could meet some people who know what it's like and everything? At least you would have something in common to talk about from the very start.


Well-known member
I know a girl with hearing loss who's totally beautiful and smart and did have some hangups but was sociable too, got a boyfriend and everything..

It was odd when we were out sitting on a blanket, with a guitar, singing songs, and I encouraged her to sing with us.. but she didn't want to.. I wondered why.. Then afterwards a friend explained the situation.. She had long hair so the hearing aid wasn't even visible most of the time.. I was embarassed to have urged her to sing, but really, who could know?
There was a guy hitting on her who didn't know she had a hearing aid either.. Though she was quite embarassed about it..
Have you thought about the fact that some people might not even notice, or might not care?

It's great you have a job. Have you tried online ads then, or a meet-up group on your interests or going to a class or course on something that really interests you? Maybe you could even find a group of comedy-goers or something?