Heard neighbors talking about me!


Well-known member
I'm soooo pissed off that I heard my fricken ass@#$% neighbors talking about me, that I want to really hurt them! The neighbor upstairs from me is the one who I really hate, and I know that she started the whole thing. She is a total bit#!! and I can't stand being in my own apartment right now. How can I not stop being so bitter about people when this sh&@ happens?! I have nowhere else to go, so it's stay here or go to a motel. :evil: :cry:
awww, that sucks. Stupid neighbor!!!! I try not to care what people think, but when its a neighbor you cant get away from its kinda hard. Id be pissed off too


Confront her about and ask her what her problem with you is, that you heard your name along with derogatory comments crossing the lips of certain neighbors. You don't have to be a bitch, just let them know that you prefer keeping to yourself and there is no reason to come up with unprecedented judgments because of it.

I'm quiet and withdrawn most of the time, but when I hear people talking shit about me, I usually can't help but to give them a thorough tongue lashing and make them realize how stupid they're being. Big words seem to work the best at shutting stupid people up haha...

Not makin any recommendations here but its what I'd do next time I saw that bitch...



you should go to craigslist.com, and post an ad for a apartment for rent under her address. It works better if you know her buzzcode to the building. It even works better if you know her name and phone number. What you want to do is deliberately undervalue her suite, so it gets many responses. Also state in the ad that she works shifts, so people will be calling all hours of the night.

*note: yes, I'm a sick bastard, but I get results!