Having such a bad day


Well-known member
Does anyone else feel like somedays, you just want to scream your lungs out at the world.. I feel like that most days, and there is nothing i can do about it. I don' t know what is wrong, why i am always feeling like this.


Active member
I think we all have days like that. Your not alone.
Can I ask why your having such a crap day?
Tell us about it if it makes you feel better, we are here to listen and help each other

Whenever im having a really really bad day and feel like I cant cope with the world I go somewhere that makes me feel better. Do you have somewhere like that? I always go to the beach - not the touristy ones with a million people, I find a beach that is deserted and just sit there for a few hours until I feel better. You can cry and kick the sand and nobody is there to see you, let it all out and go crazy, nobody even knows your there so who cares what you do there. Well thats what I do anyway.


Hi Crashmodem,

Really sorry to hear about the 'bad' days. Hopefully things are a little easier now ? . . . . I agree with Terresap, and find that nature is great for the soul, or music,maybe. Just doing something that you like. I know that sometimes nothing can touch the misery, but it does pass, and better days come.


Well-known member
Hey, Crash!

On days like that I usually go to the movies. I go specifically to movies where the hero is the underdog. I like those kind of movies because most of the time I feel like the underdog. Like Terresap and Mowse, I just like to have a few hours where I'm not thinking about my problem. I just want to clear my head so I can think a little clearer. When I'm in a funk, the whole world seems grey and against me.....After a movie (or double feature, depending on the type of crappy day I'm having), I feel a little better.


Well-known member
These are all good ideas imo. I can certainly sympathize with your frustration and just add another idea which may help. If you live in bike riding country, a ride is a good way to feel better. You will get some exercise in the bargain and exercise helps the brain chemistry somehow. It is especially helpful in relieving depression as well. A "silver bullet" may be a while in coming so it's best to try some coping techniques in the meantime.


yeah, everyday this week was a bad day

I am having a bad week. No motivation to do anything at all. I feel like a pancake. I need to get a summer job. I need to get out and do stuff.

Talk with people that can relate to you, it helps the most.


Well-known member
I feel like that a lot of days. I throw stuff across the house and then go for a long run outside. during high school when i just want to scream i go into the bathroom and scream into my hands and jump up and down and kick the walls. yup you are not alone. singing angry music helps too. hope your day gets better.


Well-known member
Hi, Crash!

Definately! Singing and Thrashing/Dancing around to angry music really does make me feel better. Usually I do this alone because I would look really really really stupid if I did this in front of people....but heck, it gets out a lot of my frustration and anger......