having kids?


New member
So I am pretty OCD, with mild tourettes as well. Lately I have been worried about if I ever have children that this all would pass on genetically through me. I would never want to pass this kind of burden onto another person. My Phych told me that chances are pretty low... has anyone else worried about this? Know statistics? Have kids??
I also am worried that having them will make my OCD worse, but I have always wanted a family....


Well-known member
I wouldn't worry so much. Starting a family means a lot to you. Your pysch told you that the chances are low. I have thought about this but quickly brushed it to one side.
My two cousins have recently had kids and I've never seem them so happy. After all It's human nature to procreate. I bet those hormones are great lol


Kids will pick up on any anxiety their parents have and subconsciously make it their own.

I don't want kids until after I: get a good college degree, have a stable job, own a decent house, have tons of money in the bank.
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