Haven't posted in a while


So I haven't really posted on here in a good few months, during my time away from here I've made a BIG improvement. I've been following the SA audio series religiously, reading everything I need to read every day, sometimes spending over 2 hours reading which a lot of work but getting over a habit that's over 10 years old can't be overcome in a night. Anyway just wanted to pop by and recommend Overcoming Social Anxiety Step by Step by Dr Richards. I know it's been posted on here before but I'm having really good success with it and I honestly feel that when I'm done with it If I continue on this track I'll finally be over this. I'll post back in a few months when I've completed it. Good luck everyone!


Well-known member
Glad to here you're doing better. I hope things continue to look good for you. :)


Thanks Iluv! Another reason I decided to post this message is really to encourage other people on here to give it all you got. I can tell you with 100% confidence that anyone with anxiety can overcome it, there's not one person who can't, it just takes dedication and repetition to achieve results. Much like going to the gym, you may not see results for a month or two, and during this time you may also relapse. But remember this, you can't relapse unless you've made progress, so it's actually a good thing because it tell you that what you're doing is working. If anyone needs help or wants to give this program a try let me know, you can send me a PM or just reply to this.