Have your star signs ever been accurate / almost ????


Well-known member
I was surprised to read this in my star signs 4 today!!!!

Symptoms you cant explain to others prevent you from getting on with plans already made. You are unable to face upto a job or assignment due to health problems or emotional difficulties. Your inclination in difficult circumstances is to remain detached or to remove your self from the situation altogether!!!

THIS IS DESCRIBING ME ALL OVER :) Anyone else a sagitarian?

I also had another star sign reading that was true a couple of years ago. I met an older woman online who used to live in the USA where I want to live & had just moved back to the UK for a few years.
My star sign said I would meet an older woman who would give me some advice re something I really wanted to do and that I should listen to her

Any more star sign readings that are like they are written for you ONLY?

8O 8O 8O 8O :D :D :D :D


Well-known member
Yeah, pretty much every star sign reading ever.

It doesn't matter which star sign you read, they are all vague enough and makes enough predictions to fit a large percentage of the population... Simple psychology, really. :wink:

One or two coincidences is not valid evidence, I'm afraid. Older woman giving advice? Most people talk to their mother every week, and mothers tend to give advice...

No offense! :D


Well-known member
i dont believe any of it.

I could say 1 for tomorrow and i bet it would have some truth

Tomorrow a choice you make will effect your love life, the colour red will be a sign and look out for the number 6

good luck with that


Well-known member
Tomorrow a choice you make will effect your love life, the colour red will be a sign and look out for the number 6

Now that could turn out well LOL! Now I feel I shouldnt go ahead with something I wanted to do LOL
Im going to tell my boyfriend something tomorow which might make him angry, he might turn red with anger & it wil be a relationship from hell



Well-known member
I'm not sure about horoscopes and telling the future because I havent looked into that stuff, but I do think it is uncanny how so often peoples personalities fit into the description for the star signs.


Well-known member
"A spirited debate makes you see someone in a totally new light and you like it. Follow your instincts if both of you are free to pursue a romance. Be careful if there are other people in the picture. There are plenty of ways to court adventure but affairs are bad news and this will blow up in your face very soon."

thats mine for this week...

really it should read as follows...

"The only debates you will have this week will be with yourself and you won't see anyone in any light because you sit in your room all the time by yourself in the dark. Don't trust your instincts because they always lie to you and under no circumstances persue any romance because you will just get rejected as per always. Be careful if there are other people in the picture, because they too will reject you. If you didn't have social anxiety then there are plenty of ways to court adventure, but your affairs are bad news and everything blows up in your face"