Yes, I was 16 and it lasted all of one week...[harp plays, screen blurs and refocuses]
She asked me out on a school trip. She was really really keen. I don't know what she saw in me?
When back in school however she started telling people she was going out with me...well basically knowing me as the quiet, anxious freak in school people started taking the piss out of her for going out with me. What made it worse was that I didn't defend myself, just stayed quiet...I was so anxious about her expectations of me that if I saw her in school I would not even go up to her, I kept my distance. I never knew what to say to her
Anyway we went out one night, with her friend, kissed etc..
She broke up with me a few days later, said she was sick of getting teased at school, and I wasn't bothering to make contact, except in the form of text messages which I was sending constantly (neediness is not attractive folks)
3 years ago. I've spent so long obsessing over that stupid week, I wish it never happened. Worsened my SA for sure