Have you ever been in a relationship?


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Sacrament said:
Are you one of those girls who give in to peer pressure due to being around all the wrong people?
Could someone please explain this sentence? (?,?)


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_Brittany_ said:
livingnsilence said:
There is one huge thing about him that makes me not want to date him but even if there wasn't b/c of my SA nothing would evercome of it b/c I'm too afraid to call him or talk to him.

Can I be nosey and ask what it is? :?

I'm in college and working real hard to make something of my life and I want a bf who is doing the same thing so I will only date someone who is going to college or is the armed forces and this guy deffintely isn't.
luckily i have been with girls in the past but thats only due to them making the first move. ive only make a move with girls under the influence of alcohol but its too obious that im drunk so i usually turn them away :(


Well-known member
Just got out of my first relationship, and it ended very unexpectedly, and it was soooo painful :(

I am 19, and I didn't even kiss her, because I have a bit of a fear of intimacy, but I was ready to man it up the next time. Just thinking about the whole thing hurts so bad.

But on the bright side, now I am going to try and conquer my fears, and try and get girls and get into another relationship!


Well-known member
Yes, I was 16 and it lasted all of one week...[harp plays, screen blurs and refocuses]

She asked me out on a school trip. She was really really keen. I don't know what she saw in me?

When back in school however she started telling people she was going out with me...well basically knowing me as the quiet, anxious freak in school people started taking the piss out of her for going out with me. What made it worse was that I didn't defend myself, just stayed quiet...I was so anxious about her expectations of me that if I saw her in school I would not even go up to her, I kept my distance. I never knew what to say to her

Anyway we went out one night, with her friend, kissed etc..

She broke up with me a few days later, said she was sick of getting teased at school, and I wasn't bothering to make contact, except in the form of text messages which I was sending constantly (neediness is not attractive folks)

3 years ago. I've spent so long obsessing over that stupid week, I wish it never happened. Worsened my SA for sure


No and I am 32 years old. It usually do not bother me, I think it bothers other people more than it bothers me. But lately, I feel like my life is just passing before my eyes.

I think that one of the reasons why it never bothered me before because I was focused on reaching my goals such as: graduating college, paying off student loans, trying to buy a house & etc... But I feel like my lack of is preventing me from reaching my other life goals such as marriage, parenting & etc.


kristle said:
I haven't, I'm 17 and still no boyfriend (you know how weird that is nowadays) and with my SA I doubt I ever will..

I'm 20 years old. I was with a girl for about 2 months when I was 16, kissed her once, she tried to kiss me many times later but i always backed out of it for some unknown reason. Besides her, a drunk but very pretty girl kissed me once however I'm still a virgin which makes many of my friends make fun of me.

To answer your question, I've never been in a firm and loving relationship and I can really feel that I'm missing it in my life. I want to love and be loved by someone and feel intimate with a girl but for some reason that I still don't know I just can't. It's mostly my self-esteem and that I'm not a very social ad outgoing person.