Have I got Social Anxiety or just low self confidence?


New member
Hi. I'm 17, and I really think that I have got SA, and I have my first appointment with ym psychiatrist next week. Could people here please give their opinions on what they think I have? The symptoms I have of SA are:
- Pyschical - sweating, panic attacks, rapid breathing, and sometimes insomnia.
- I can't ever leave my house, because I always think that people are talking and staring at me, and I feel that I will either get attacked, or doing something embarassing and people will look down on me. I am overweight and this is why I don't know whether it is a self confidence thing because of my weight, or if I have SA.
- I had to quit college, because I thought all gangs were talking about me, and when I had to speak in class, my voice would change, and I couldn't breathe because I was that nervous.
- I am extremely nervous all the time. Whether it is a knock on the door or the phone rining, I start to sweat, and breathe rapidly.
- I have lost most of my friends, but the one friend I have always invites me to parties, and I always make excuses not to go because I am that nervous and scared of going.
- I can't get on a bus, as sitting in a packed place makes me nervous, and when there are people standing up on the bus, I have to get off as I start to have a panic attack. I can't get on a bus at all now.

Sorry for the long post, but I am really unsure whether I have SA or just low self confidence. Can you please help me, and tell me what you think, and if you have SA, did you have the same symptoms.


Well-known member
SAD leads to low self-esteem and feeds from it. You're thinking about what other people think of you, so that is SAD. Also, talking in class is one of the hardest things for most people with SAD.

I feel that I will either get attacked, or doing something embarassing and people will look down on me.

This sounds a bit like Avoidant Personality Disorder, when you're waiting for people to react negatively rather than just worrying you'll do something stupid.

Soo... yes, SAD. No, that was not a long post by any means. And good luck with therapy.


luke_w24 said:
Hi. I'm 17, and I really think that I have got SA, and I have my first appointment with ym psychiatrist next week. Could people here please give their opinions on what they think I have? The symptoms I have of SA are:
- Pyschical - sweating, panic attacks, rapid breathing, and sometimes insomnia.
- I can't ever leave my house, because I always think that people are talking and staring at me, and I feel that I will either get attacked, or doing something embarassing and people will look down on me. I am overweight and this is why I don't know whether it is a self confidence thing because of my weight, or if I have SA.
- I had to quit college, because I thought all gangs were talking about me, and when I had to speak in class, my voice would change, and I couldn't breathe because I was that nervous.
- I am extremely nervous all the time. Whether it is a knock on the door or the phone rining, I start to sweat, and breathe rapidly.
- I have lost most of my friends, but the one friend I have always invites me to parties, and I always make excuses not to go because I am that nervous and scared of going.
- I can't get on a bus, as sitting in a packed place makes me nervous, and when there are people standing up on the bus, I have to get off as I start to have a panic attack. I can't get on a bus at all now.

Sorry for the long post, but I am really unsure whether I have SA or just low self confidence. Can you please help me, and tell me what you think, and if you have SA, did you have the same symptoms.

Hiya. first of all im sorry to hear that you are going through such a bad time... I had this while i was in secondry school... i suffer with anxiety now and panic and im the same going out but i try my best to have it under control... this feelings that you are getting are anxiety and also low self confidence... all i can say to you is try not to beet yourself up about it and the help that you get take it with open arms because you shouldent let a stupid thing like anxiety rule your life i try my best everyday to not let it get me down but it is realy really hard!!.... but you will get there if you try... a little word of advise is that you try to reserch all the things that you are going through as when you do that you will be able to notice why it is happening and put a stop to it...... sorry for my long reply lol...... Take care
Yeh man, im 17 too and pretty much got those same exact things, i never leave my house, i have no friends and cant eve stand goin out in public, i think its def a form of S.A., but from these posts i heard if you can get over ur low self esteem that your aniexty will go away..i dont know though, its fucking toughh, i hate it


Well-known member
Yep sounds like Social Anxiety and looks like its a step in the right direction for you to go and see a psychiatrist. Good luck!


Well-known member
This definitely sounds like SAD and I have similar symptoms. Using bus or car makes me pretty nervous, too. As for avoidant personality disorder - it has comorbidity with SA.